Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WW Weigh-In #18

Now this is more like it:

Last week: 187.4 lb
This week: 185.6 lb
Total lost this week: 1.8 lb

Weight loss target: 181.8 lb
To reach target: 3.8 lb

I'm back on track and feeling fine! I'm also in need of more coffee. Despite a grande (non-fat) latte, I need more of a kick. It's been a busy day! I had to pick up a package at the post office; check my storage locker and buy some boxes (we're already starting to declutter!); stop at Ikea to get a piece for my mom's cabinets; hit up Home Depot for my mom's Mother's Day gift (hello BBQ!); and then one last quick stop to pick up a few other items. Phew!

And despite the torrential downpour, I made it home not too wet. Time to make some coffee, put some laundry in and kick back with some TV.

Days like today are the best!

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