Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WW Weigh-in #17

Well, it was as I expected:

Last week: 185.6 lb
This week: 187.4 lb
Total gained this week: 1.8 lb

Weight loss target: 181.8 lb
To reach target: 5.6 lb

It's a little frustrating when I think how close I was to my next weight loss target and that I've only gained since then - but I'm dedicated and focused on really getting back on track now. I'm going to log my points and make the right choices and get back into the exercising groove, because that's how I want my lifestyle to be. Sure, I've enjoyed what I've eaten over the past two weeks and I've luxuriated a bit in my laziness but I don't like how I look and feel when I do that (and how I feel is more important than how I look) so I'm going to keep working at making the changes to get to a place where I always like how I feel.

I didn't have time for a workout today, mostly because I spent 4 hours cleaning the condo. I scrubbed the fridge so good I don't need no weights! But housework counts for activity points and the place looks great, so it's a double win!

Here's to better results next week!

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